Initial Loan Application

Local Vision Investing, LLC


Write your responses in a separate text document and email it to or mail it to: Local Vision Investing, PO Box 8483, Spokane, WA  99203.  Once we determine if your project fits our criteriawe will ask you for a financial statement and credit report.

Name of business: __________________

Business Address ____________________________

Owner/co owner names:___________________________________________

Day Phone: _____________________Cell Phone _______________________

Best time to reach you:______________ Email: ___________________________

A. About your business:

  1. Tell us about your business. Who are your customers? Are you profitable? What is exciting to you about your business right now? What keeps you awake at night?
  1. Give us your background. Have you been in business before? How long have you had this business? Do you have employees? How many?
  1. Where do you sell your produce or product and who is your competition? Do you source locally? Are you certified organic?

B. About the loan:

  1. How much do you want to borrow and for what period of time?
  1. Describe how you will use the loan funds and how this investment will help your business.
  1. Will this loan cover the full cost of the project, and if not, what other funds will help you get the job done?
  1. How will you make the money to repay this loan?
  1. Who is the borrower: are you a sole proprietorship? A partnership (if so, who are the partners)? A corporation (if so, please give the corporation’s name and the name of the principals.)

C.  General:

  1. Did we forget to ask you something?
  2. How did you find out about us?

Revised: 9/25/13

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